Integrity Research Journals

ISSN: 2536-7099
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/JASVM
Start Year: 2016

ISSUE (Vol.9 (6) - December 30th, 2024)

Probiotics Supplementation Supports Gut Health, Performance, And Immune Response In Poultry Coccidiosis
Coccidiosis is an important parasitic disease that consistently jeopardizes optimal productivity and the potential of the poultry industry worldwide. It substantially affects profitability causing losses estimated to be over USD 14 billion annually. To mitigate its impact, various research efforts have explored different control strategies, including the use of... Continue here

Lymphangiomatosis In The Oral Cavity In A Mix Breed Dog
A 12-year-old female spayed mixed breed dog presented with numerous firm proliferating, non-painful white/tan lesions on both the dorsal and ventral surface of the tongue. Initial clinical differentials include trauma, infection, and cancer. Histopathology revealed multifocal fibroangiomatous mucosal hyperplasia with foamy macrophages. Differential diagnoses... Continue here

A Case Of Pneumonia And Haemorrhagic Gastroenteritis In A Six-year-old Male Arewa Horse
Bacterial infections of the lower respiratory tract in adult horses occur when bacteria from the nasopharynx reach the lower airways and overwhelm normal defense mechanisms. Although Streptococcus equi subsp zooepidemicus is the most commonly isolated bacterial species, mixed infections are possible. Early intervention and appropriate antimicrobial selection... Continue here

Polymorphism Of Diaclyglycerol Acyltransferase 1 Gene And Its Associations With Milk Traits In Bunaji, Rahaji And Bokoloji Indigenous Breeds Of Cattle In Nigeria
The experiment was carried out to study the single nucleotide polymorphisms of diacylglycerol Acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1) gene and its association with milk traits among some selected indigenous breeds of cattle in Nigeria. Milk and blood samples were collected and analyzed from 60 lactating cows comprising 20 each of Rahaji, Bunaji (White Fulani) and Sokoto Gudali... Continue here

Growth And Electrolytes Response Of Broiler Chickens Fed Diet Containing Graded Levels Of Ginger
A feeding trial was conducted to examine the effects of ginger on growth and electrolyte levels of finisher broiler chickens. A total of 120, day-old chicks of Cobb 500 strain were used for the trial which lasted for 28 days. However, before the commencement of the trial, birds were brooded together for a period of 4 weeks (28 days). At the end of the brooding... Continue here

Sexual Dimorphism Of Fulani Ecotype Chicken In Danbatta Local Government, Kano State, Nigeria
This study was conducted to characterize the quantitative traits of Fulani ecotype chicken in Danbatta Local Government, Kano State. A total of 300 matured and randomly selected Fulani ecotype chickens (152 males and 148 females) with average weights of 1.5 and 1.0 kg, respectively were used for this study. Sixteen biometric characters and four morphological... Continue here

Biologic And Management Effects Of Feeding Laying Birds Unpeeled Yellow Cassava (manihot Esculenta Crantz) Root Meal
Ninety-four Points of lay Rhode Island Red layers were used to evaluate the performance of laying birds fed unpeeled yellow cassava root meal (UYCRM) as a replacement for maize. The yellow cassava was harvested, washed, ground, drained and toasted to form the UYCRM. Four diets were formulated replacing maize with UYCRM at 0% (T1), 25% (T2), 50% (T3) and 75% (T4).... Continue here

Heterosis And Combining Ability For Body Weight And Morphometric Traits In A Diallel Cross Of Funaab Alpha Chickens
This study was carried out to evaluate heterosis and combining ability for growth traits in a diallel cross of two strains of FUNAAB Alpha chickens. Sixty hens comprising thirty white plumage and thirty black plumage colours aged between 17-18 weeks were used. The experiment which lasted for 5 months, considered such growth traits as: Body Weight (BW), Body Length... Continue here

Problems And Prospects Of Small-scale Fish Farming In Jos South Local Government Area Of Plateau State, Nigeria
This study was carried out to analyse the problems and prospects of small-scale fish farming in Jos-South Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria. The purposive sampling technique was used through a questionnaire and interview scheduled with the assistance of extension agents to collect data from respondents; 30 respondents were selected from each of the 4... Continue here

Influence Of Justicia Secunda Leaf Meal, Scent Leaf Meal, And Bamboo Charcoal On Growth, Nutrient Digestibility And Faecal Microbial Shedding Of Weanling Pigs
The discontinuous use of antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) in swine production may have serious negative consequences on animals’ health and performance due to impaired immunological response to pathogenic microbes, especially in newly weaned pigs, warranting changes in nutritional and management strategies. Justicia secunda Leaf Meal (JLM), Scent Leaf Meal... Continue here

Evaluation Of Haematology, Serum Biochemistry And Immune Competence Of Broiler Chickens Supplemented With Dietary Zinc And Selenium Nanoparticles
The study evaluated the effect of dietary supplementation of nano zinc and selenium on haematology, serum biochemical parameters and immune function of broiler chickens. Seven hundred and sixty-eight (768) one-day-old Arbor acre broiler chicks were arranged in a 4 × 4 factorial layout in a Completely Randomized Design based on dietary zinc and selenium... Continue here

Mitigative Effects Of Molasses, Antox® And En-florax® On Haematological Parameters In Commercial Pullets Infected With Infectious Bursal Disease Virus
The study evaluated the mitigative effects of Molasses, Antox® and EN-FLORAX® on haematological parameters of ISA brown chicks inoculated with a very virulent infectious bursal disease (vvIBDV). Two hundred and fifty chicks were assigned into five groups (A, B, C, D and E) of 50 chicks each. Groups A, B and C were supplemented with Molasses, Antox® and... Continue here

Comparative Vitamin And Mineral Composition Of Horned Melon As A Substitute For Commercial Premix And Egg Quality Characteristics Of The Fed Layers
Horned melon (Cucumis metuliferus), is a fruit rich in various phytochemical components important in the daily diet and has a high economic value which has not been fully exploited in poultry feeding. The objectives of the study are to evaluate proximate analysis, vitamin, and mineral content and determine the quality of eggs of layers fed horned melon meal. The... Continue here

Assessment Of Hen-day Lay, Egg Quality Indices And Economics Of Production In Replacing Fish Meal With Shrimp Waste
This research assessed the effects of feeding Shrimp Waste Meal (SWM) in place of fish meal, on the performance characteristics and egg quality indices in layers. Ninety Point of Lay (POL) Isa Brown pullets were randomly allotted to five dietary treatments in a completely randomised design (CRD). Each treatment of 18 POL birds was replicated 3 times with 6 birds... Continue here

Evaluation Of Bacterial Effluents From Abattoirs And Slaughter Slabs In Zuru Emirate, Nigeria
Effluents from abattoirs discharged into the environment and water bodies have serious health implications. This study aimed to investigate the bacterial load from abattoir and slaughter slab effluents in Zuru emirate. A total of 50 effluent samples from each of the abattoir and slaughter slabs were collected and used. The bacteria were isolated using standard... Continue here

Investment Patterns Of Small-scale Livestock Farmers In Edo State, Nigeria
This study investigated the investment patterns of small-scale livestock farmers in Edo State, Nigeria. A sample of 240 small-scale livestock farmers was drawn from six Local Government Areas (LGAs) and surveyed using a structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (such as Tobit Regression Analysis) were used to analyze the... Continue here

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