Integrity Research Journals

ISSN: 2536-7099
DOI: 10.31248/JASVM

How To Submit Manuscripts

The first step before submitting your manuscript for publication is to be conversant with the policies of the Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine. Hence, authors are encouraged to read authors guidelinespublication ethics and publication process of the journal.
To submit a manuscript for publication, click on the “Submit Manuscript” on the top of the website or simply visit Alternatively, you can forward your manuscript as an email attachment to the editorial office of the Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine at
On clicking on “Submit Manuscript”, the online submission form will open and the authors are expected to fill in the required information such: (1) select journal, (2) manuscript title, (3) abstract, (4) authors name and details, (5) corresponding authors’ details and (6) upload files (i.e cover letter, manuscript and other supplementary materials if applicable). Then, click on the submit button at the end of the page to finalize your submission. NOTE: if the “select journal” dialog box is not visible, refresh the submission page before filling in the above information.
After submission, you will receive an email indicating that your manuscript has been received by the editorial office of the Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine. You will also receive the manuscript number and other details regarding the manuscript. Please always quote the manuscript number in all your correspondence with the editorial office.