
Integrity Research Journals

ISSN: 2536-7099
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/JASVM
Start Year: 2016
Email: jasvm@integrityresjournals.org

JASVM Articles

Variant Calling Pipeline For Next Generation Sequence Data – A Review
Next generation sequencing (NGS) is of great significance for genetic improvement. Some of the most common application of NGS is the identification of the genomic variants, genes and sequence mutations. Mining of genomic variants such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from raw sequences involves several steps and use of numerous bioinformatics tools in a... Continue here

A Survey Of Livestock Theft At Mogonono Village In Kweneng District Of Botswana
The objective of this study was to determine the causes of livestock theft, its prevalence and impact on livelihoods of people of Mogonono village in Kweneng District. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire which was administered to 30 randomly selected farmers (respondents) and the Botswana Police Service. Data were analyzed using Statistical... Continue here

Reproductive Toxicity Of Acetamiprid In Male Guinea Pig (cavia Porcellus)
The neonicotinoid insecticides including acetamiprid are widely used in pest-control programs due to their high efficacy and low cost. This study aimed to investigate the impact of acetamiprid on reproductive parameters as well as its ability to generate oxidative stress in male guinea pig. Twenty-four adult male guinea pigs received oral administration of... Continue here

Performance Response Of Feedlot Bunaji Bulls To Dietary Melon Seed Husk Meal Inclusion
A 90-day study was conducted to evaluate the performance response of feedlot Bunaji bulls to dietary melon seed husk meal inclusion. Twelve Bunaji bulls aged two years and weighing 105 Kg on the average were randomly divided into four groups of three bulls each and allotted to four dietary treatments in a Completely Randomized Design in which each bull served as a... Continue here

Effect Of Turmeric Rhizome (curcuma Longa) Powder And Coconut Oil Mixture On Growth Performance, Haematological And Biochemical Parameters Of Noiler Birds
This study was conducted to assess the effect of Curcuma longa on growth performance, haematological and biochemical parameters of noiler birds. A total of sixty-four (64) noiler birds of both sexes with an average weight of 1974±0.03 g were randomized into four treatment groups. Each treatment group comprised of eight birds per replicate and was replicated... Continue here

Effect Of Graded Levels Of Ginger Rhizome (zingiber Officinale) Meal On Haematology Of Pubertal New Zealand White Rabbits
Forty-eight sexually matured (7 to 8 months old) healthy New Zealand White rabbits consisting of male and female of equal sexes were used to determine the effect of graded levels of ginger rhizome meal on haematological parameters. The rabbits were divided into 4 treatment groups, identified as T1, T2, T3 and T4 and randomly assigned to four treatment diets in a... Continue here

Effect Of Graded Levels Of Ginger Rhizome (zingiber Officinale) Meal On Serum Biochemistry Of Pubertal New Zealand White Rabbits
Forty-eight sexually matured (7 to 8 months old) healthy male and female New Zealand White rabbits were used to determine the effect of graded levels of ginger rhizome meal on serum biochemical indices. The rabbits were divided into 4 treatment groups, namely T1, T2, T3 and T4 and assigned to four treatment diets in a Complete Randomized Block Design (CRBD). Each... Continue here

Prevalence Of Intestinal Helminthes In Ruminants Slaughtered At Abakaliki Abattoir, Ebonyi State, Nigeria
Helminthes parasites are one of the major causes of economic loss in ruminants all over the world, leading to decrease in number of ruminants mainly in developing countries. This study was aimed at identifying parasitic helminthes and its prevalence among ruminants slaughtered at Abakiliki abattoir. Fecal samples were collected using a screw capped universal... Continue here

Review Of Participatory Epizootiology Research Of Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia At The Department Of Veterinary Public Health And Preventive Medicine, University Of Ibadan, Nigeria (2007-2015)
This is a review of research application of Participatory Epizootiology to investigate Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia among pastoralists in Oyo State and Niger State, Nigeria, between 2007 and 2015, at the Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ibadan where the first author, a Veterinary... Continue here

Studies On The Surface Ultrastructure Of A Snake Tick, Amblyomma Helvolum (acari: Ixodidae)
A detail surface ultrastructure study on both male and female Amblyomma helvolum, inhabiting on snakes were made by using scanning electron microscope. The study unraveled the clear sexual dimorphism of the tick. Details of the surface ultrastructure were compared with other ixodid tick species as reported so far. Some distinctive surface morphology of A. helvolum... Continue here

Relationship Between Morphological Traits, Body Indices And Body Condition Score As Welfare Indicators Of Nigerian Sheep
The relationship between morphological traits and body condition score (BCS) of indigenous sheep breeds was assessed. A total number of 400 indigenous sheep were sampled. Twelve body measurements were taken from these sheep; these measurements were then used to estimate body indices of these animals. Data were subjected to General Linear Model and correlation... Continue here

Evaluation Of Anthelmintic Potential Of Parkia Biglobosa Leaves And Seeds Extracts Against Infective Larvae And Adult Of Haemonchus Contortus Of Goats
Among the parasitic diseases that thrive in warm and humid areas, Haemonchus contortus is considered to be the most prevalent and devastating species of small ruminant. The present study was carried out to evaluate the activities of leaves and seeds of Parkia biglobosa against adult and larvae (L3) of H. contortus. In vitro activities were screened by preparing... Continue here

Clinical Prevalence Of Diseases And Disorders In Cattle And Goat At The Upazila Veterinary Hospital, Beanibazar, Sylhet, Bangladesh
The present study aimed to determine clinical prevalence of diseases and disorders in cattle and goat at the Upazila Veterinary Hospital, Beanibazar, Sylhet district of Bangladesh from August 2016 to July 2017. A total of 988 clinical cases (683 cattle and 305 goats) were recorded and analyzed. Each clinical case was diagnosed on the basis of general examination,... Continue here

Effects Of Breed, Haemoglobin And Potassium Polymorphism On Blood Biochemical Profiles Of Agro-pastoral Goats
This study was conducted to determine the effects of breed, haemoglobin (Hb) and potassium (k) types on blood profiles of agro-pastoral goat herds in North-Western Nigeria. A total of two hundred and fifty (250) agropastoral lactating does comprising of 109 Red Sokoto (RS), 26 Sahel (SH), 34 Kano Brown and 81 Crosses (CRS)   were involved in the study.... Continue here

Phytochemicals And Uses Of Moringa Oleifera Leaves In Humans And Animals In Sokoto
Moringa oleifera is a native plant of many countries in the world used for its medicinal, nutitional and economical benefits. In Nigeria, the leaves are sold either fresh or cooked as food and/or medicine. The phytochemicals present in Moringa oleifera leaves extracts belonging to the family Moringaceae was determined using serial extraction, with methanol,... Continue here

Improvement Of Growth Performance, Immunity And Disease Resistance In Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis Niloticus, By Using Dietary Probiotics Supplementation
This study evaluated the effect of probiotics on the growth performance, some immunological, biochemical and hematological parameters of Nile tilapia. Eight weeks feeding trials were conducted to examine the effect of three types of probiotics, multi-strain probiotics (6×107 cfu/g), Bacillus subtilis (1×1011 cfu/g) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae... Continue here

Effect Of Coat Colour On Morphological Characteristics Of Red Sokoto, Sahel And West African Dwarf Goats
The need to classify animals into breeds has necessitated the study of coat colour and its overall impact on livestock productivity. There exists paucity of information on the impact of coat colour on morphometrics of goats in Nigeria and this study was designed to fill that knowledge gap. Color morphological character was used to determine the relationship among... Continue here

Comparison Of Growth And Heterosis Of Body Parameters Of Two Varieties Of Snail [archachatina Marginata (swainson1821)] And Their Crosses Reared Under Tropical Conditions
The main objective of this paper was to compare growth traits and heterosis of body parameters of two varieties of Archachatina marginata (var. ovum and var. saturalis) and their crosses under experimental conditions. Three hundred (300) juvenile snails (Archachatina marginata), one hundred (100) each of A. marginata var. ovum, A. marginata var. saturalis... Continue here

Management Of Peroneal Nerve Paralysis In A Three Month Old Puppy Using A Tendon Transplantation Technique
A severe right hind limb paralysis due to injury to the peroneal (fibular) nerve was characterized by knuckling of the paw, over extension of the hock, dragging of the limb and excoriations on the dorsum of the digits. Management of the case therapeutically and conservatively over a period of three weeks was not rewarding. The case was eventually and successfully... Continue here

Small Ruminant Lungworms: Parasite Detection, Identification And Prevalence Estimation In Three Districts Of South Wollo, Ethiopia
The prevalence, species, age, sex and seasonal variation of lungworm infection in small ruminants were studied using Coproscopic and Postmortem examinations in Three districts of South Wollo: Kombolcha, Dessie and Kalu. Faecal samples were collected from 586 sheep and goats of all age groups (below 6 months, 6 months to 2 years, 2 to4 years and above 4 years) and... Continue here

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