Integrity Research Journals

ISSN: 2536-7099
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/JASVM
Start Year: 2016

ISSUE (Vol.6 (5) - October 30th, 2021)

Performance Of Broiler Birds Fed Graded Levels Of Clove (syzgium Aromaticum (l.) Buds Powder In Semi-arid Region, Nigeria
The study was conducted on broiler chickens to investigate the effect of graded levels of clove buds powder fed on performance. A total of 288 broiler chickens were being used. The broiler chickens randomly divided into four treatments groups (four experimental diets): T1 (control), T2 (0.5 kg/100kg), T3 (1 kg/100kg) and T4 (1.5 kg/100kg). At the starter phase of... Continue here

Chicken Housing Among The Rural Community Of Tonj County In South Sudan: Types And Designs
Rural communities usually exert talents and arts in the construction of chickens’ shelters as a token for chickens’ contributions to their livelihoods worldwide. A purposive cross-sectional study was conducted to highlight types and designs of rural chickens’ houses among the village/Boma communities in Tonj County, South Sudan. A total of 400... Continue here

Assessment Of Antimicrobial Consumption In Food Animals In Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Monitoring antimicrobial use in food-producing animals is one of the global strategies to tackle antimicrobial resistance. The purpose of the present study is to generate quantitative information on antimicrobial use pattern in Dar es Salaam, which will be used as an approach for future monitoring and surveillance of antimicrobial quantities consumed in food... Continue here

Estrous Synchronization And Fertility Of Cross-bred Dairy Cows Using Prostaglandin F2α And Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone
A comparative hormonal study of prostaglandin, gonadotropin releasing hormone and their combination was conducted on 30 randomly selected cross-bred dairy cows of SEMEX project for artificial insemination in Hillat Kuku, Khartoum North, Sudan. The study attempts to determine the response of the animals to hormonal induction and synchronization of estrous as well... Continue here

An Investigation On Faecal N And Lipid Excretions In Growing Broilers Fed False Yam (icacina Oliviformis) Tuber Meal
This study was conducted to determine the effect of False Yam (Icacina oliviformis) on the growth performance, some biochemical alterations of growing broiler. For this experiment, 50, 20-day old growing broilers were randomly allocated to five dietary treatments: Raw tuber- (without alcohol treatment) @ 6%, raw tuber (70% alcohol treated) @ 6%, raw tuber @ 9%-... Continue here

Effect Of Processed Doum Palm (hyphaene Thebaica) Pulp Meal On Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Carcass Characteristics And Haematological Indices Of Broilers
The increase in human population, particularly in the developing countries like Nigeria and the demand for animal protein intake has necessitated different approaches of solving protein shortage. A 28-day study was carried out to determine the performance of finishers fed on different hourly soaked doum palm (Hyphaene thebaica) pulp meal (DPPM) diets. Two hundred... Continue here

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