Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/JNDM
Start Year: 2020
Email: | Article Number: F8480EA32 | Vol.2 (3) - June 2024
Received Date: 14 May 2024 | Accepted Date: 25 June 2024 | Published Date: 30 June 2024
Authors: Omorodion, Nnenna J. P.* and Esenwugwu Ogechi R
Keywords: microbial contamination., Abacha, cassava products
The study investigates the levels of microbial contamination in both dried cassava chips and fresh cassava chips, shedding light on the microbiological safety and nutritional aspects of these widely consumed food items. Microbial analysis and Physicochemical parameters were done using the standard method. The research revealed diverse microbial populations in the samples, with total heterotrophic bacteria counts ranging from 3.6x105 cfu/g to 1.36x106 cfu/g in dried cassava chips, and 3.5x105 cfu/g to 1.5x106 cfu/g in fresh cassava chip, coliform counts varied from 3.9x104 cfu/g to 8.4x104 cfu/g in dried cassava chip and 2.7x104 cfu/g to 5.4x106 cfu/g in wet cassava chip. Staphylococcus counts in dried cassava chips ranged from 2.5x103 cfu/g to 8.2x103 cfu/g, with no counts recorded in specific samples, while fresh cassava chips exhibited counts from 2.6x103 cfu/g to 6.8x103 cfu/g. Fungal counts varied widely, with dried cassava chips ranging from 8.0x102 cfu/g to 4.2x103 cfu/g and fresh cassava chips from 1.1x103 cfu/g to 2.9x103 cfu/g. Varying occurrences of bacteria and fungi between wet and dry cassava. Notably, Staphylococcus spp. exhibited a frequency of 33.8%, Bacillus spp. 23.5%, Escherichia coli 7.4%, Micrococcus spp. 4.4%, Proteus spp. 11.8 %, Pseudomonas spp. 11.8%, Lactobacillus 1.5%, and Klebsiella spp. 5.9%. The most frequent fungal species included Candida spp. (3.9%), Aspergillus niger (11.5%), Mucor (21.2%), Fusarium (13.5%), Aspergillus flavus (3.9%), Penicillium (3.9%), Rhizopus spp. (7.7%), Saccharomyces spp. (5.8%), Yeast (17.3%), pink yeast (3.9%), Aspergillus fumigatus (3.9%), and Trichoderma spp. (3.9%). Proximate content, revealing protein content of 1.03% and 1.25%, carbohydrate content of 91.5% and 87.35%, ash content of 0.349% and 0.88%, lipid content of 0.82% and 0.97%, moisture content of 6.24% and 9.55% for dried and fresh cassava chip, respectively. The cyanide content was higher in the fresh cassava chip compared to the dried cassava chip. This comprehensive assessment provides valuable insights into the microbial landscape and nutritional composition of cassava products, laying the groundwork for informed quality control and safety measures in their production and consumption.
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