Integrity Research Journals

ISSN: 2536-7099
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/JASVM
Start Year: 2016

Haematology, blood viscosity and osmotic fragility of finisher broiler chickens fed dietary supplementation of acetylsalicylic acid during hot dry season   |   Article Number: 7A67D1781   |   Vol.9 (3) - June 2024

Received Date: 06 May 2024   |   Accepted Date: 20 June 2024  |   Published Date: 30 June 2024

Authors:  Olusola Olufisayo Awoneye* , Aruna Imoru and Sehinde Samson Babadipe

Keywords: haematology, Broiler, Acetylsalicylic acid, fragility, viscosity.

The effect of acetylsalicylic acid on the haematological status, blood viscosity and osmotic fragility of broiler chickens were evaluated during transition from dry to rainy season (January – March). One hundred and ninety two (192) day old broiler chicks (ANAK) were randomly divided into four dietary treatments, each treatment comprising 48 birds, which was replicated 4 times containing 12 birds per replicate. Four experimental diets were formulated to contain acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) at 0, 0.025, 0.050 and 0.075 percentage; the diets were formulated to meet the nutrient requirement of the birds. All data collected were subjected to one-way analyses of variance (ANOVA) using a completely randomized design. The result of the hematological study showed that the packed cell volume, red blood cell, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, mean cell volume, mean cell haemoglobin and heretrophil/lymphocyte ratio were influenced by the treatment diets. Broilers fed 0.075% ASA had the highest packed cell volume and red blood cell values of 29.63±0.77% and 2.60±0.17×106 mm respectively. The blood viscosity study revealed that the whole blood viscosity decreased as level of ASA supplementation increased. Broilers fed 0.050% ASA had the lowest (p<0.05) serum and plasma viscosity values of 1.05±0.03 cP and 0.72±0.01 cP, respectively. Statistical variations (p<0.05) were observed at all levels of saline concentration across the treatment, with broilers fed 0.075% having the highest number of osmotically stable red blood cells across the treatments at all saline concentrations. It could be concluded that birds fed ASA supplemental diets were less viscous, osmotically stable and had a better haematological profile than the control diet.

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