Integrity Research Journals

ISSN: 2811-2407
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/IJAH
Start Year: 2020

The role of religion (Islam and Christianity) and education for humanization: Nigeria in perspective   |   Article Number: 9AFE706A2   |   Vol.4 (1) - February 2023

Received Date: 05 November 2022   |   Accepted Date: 28 December 2022  |   Published Date: 28 February 2023

Author:  Azuakor, Paul Okwuchukwu

Keywords: rationality, humanization, equality, education, religion, Nigeria.

This paper discusses the role of religion (Islam and Christianity) and education for humanization: Nigeria in perspective. It also includes the dimensions of humanization, education in the project of humanization, religion in the humanization process, and the roles of education and religion in the humanization of Nigeria. The burden of this paper is to show how religion is crucial in this process of socialization with special emphasis on the socialization or education that must produce humane persons who have been humanized. The paper has decided to localize the task to Nigeria for the purposes of delineation and immediate relevance but with a view to generalisability. The method for gathering information in this paper is the library research method and the tools for reasoning are deductive and analytical. This will expose the roots and effects of the mammoth problems of inhumanity in Nigeria and proffer recommendations that will help in the amelioration of the problems. Recommendations include: standing by rationality in education and religion, acceptance of the fundamental equality of all human beings, demolition of suffocating prejudices and biases, agreement to be contributive producers rather than mere consumers, etc, as can be gleaned from the “evaluation”.

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