ISSN: 2756-6684
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/AJPS
Start Year: 2018
Email: | Article Number: 55D091592 | Vol.2 (3) - August 2020
Received Date: 23 July 2020 | Accepted Date: 17 August 2020 | Published Date: 30 August 2020
Authors: Samuel Saleh* , Nur Ahmed , Ayuni Ngo Kilian and Yusuf Sani
Keywords: Groundwater potential, Kaltungo and environs, Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES).
An investigation of groundwater potential using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) and adopting the Schlumberger configuration with a maximum electrode spread of 100 m have been carried out in Kaltungo and environs. This was carried out with the aimed at evaluating geo-electrical parameters for the exploration of groundwater using the Omega Resistivity Meter. Thirty VES points were conducted across the study area. Data collected was analysed using Interpex IX1-D software. The analysed result reveals four distinctive curve types which are H-type 80%; A-type 6.7%; Q-type 10% and K-type 3.3%. Iso - resistivity maps revealed a major anomaly found at the eastern part of the study area which correspond with the 3-D model and indicate hard resistive rocks. Geo-electro stratigraphic section revealed that the area is underlain by three geo-electric layers, top lateritic soil, weathered/fractured and fresh basement. The first layer has a resistivity value of 23 to 1679 Ωm and a thickness that range from 1 to 5m. The second layer is a weathered/fractured basement with a resistivity of 6 to 410 Ωm and thickness of 7 to 28 m which constitute the aquiferous zones and the third layer is a fresh basement with resistivity value of 514 to 34338 Ωm. Maximum hydraulic conductivity value is observed at VES 14 while transmissivity values varies between 23.84 to 964.0 m2/day. The distribution of aquifer potential in the study area indicates that 75% moderate, 12.5%, high and 12.5% low. Groundwater flow direction is in the NW, SW, SE and E respectively.
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