Publication Process
Publication process starts with preparing your manuscript for publication in accordance with the guidelines of the Research Journal of Food Science and Nutrition (RJFSN). Authors are encouraged to read the “Authors Guidelines” to know the requirements of RJFSN and prepare their manuscript based on the guidelines.
Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts for publication in the Research Journal of Food Science and Nutrition are submitted through the journal website (click here) or RJFSN official email address at
Manuscript Acknowledgement
Authors who submit their manuscripts through the website will receive an instant acknowledgment while those who submit via email will receive their acknowledgment within 24 hours. Manuscripts submitted to the Research Journal of Food Science and Nutrition may be recommended for transfer if it does not fit into the scope of the journal.
Peer Review Process
Manuscripts submitted for publication in the Research Journal of Food Science and Nutrition undergo three stages of rigorous peer review process. The journal employs a double-blind peer review process before publication. Please see Peer Review Policy.
Acceptance Certificate
Authors are notified as soon as their manuscripts are accepted for publication in the Research Journal of Food Science and Nutrition. However, the official Acceptance Certificate is forwarded to the author as soon as the volume and issue of which the accepted manuscript will be published is confirmed.
Article Processing Fee
As soon as the manuscript is accepted for publication by the editor, the corresponding author is notified to make payment for their manuscript through the online payment platform (though, other options are also available). The processing fee is based on World Bank classification of countries (see processing fee). Please contact the Accounts Unit at for information regarding fees, waiver and payments.
After the acceptance of the manuscript, the accepted version of the manuscript will undergo editing before the galley proof is forwarded to the corresponding author for final correction/approval before publication. The corresponding author is expected to return the correction to the galley proof within 48 hours or give a final approval for publication if there is no correction.
Once the author(s) is/are satisfied with the final proofs, the manuscripts are included in the next issue of the journal and the article will be published on the journal’s website.
Publication Notification
Immediately the article is made available on the journal’s website, a publication notice is sent to the corresponding author with links to the issue and article.