
Integrity Research Journals

ISSN: 2536-7080
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/RJFSN
Start Year: 2016
Email: rjfsn@integrityresjournals.org

RJFSN Articles

Proximate Composition, Functional And Phytochemical Properties Of Pre-heated Aerial Yam Flour
This study investigates proximate, functional properties and phytochemical composition of pre-treated aerial yam (Discorea bulbifera) flour. The aerial yam samples were divided into four equal parts and pre-treated differently (roasting, boiling, soaking), while the fourth part not treated served as control. Quality evaluation carried out includes the proximate,... Continue here

Proximate Composition And Nutritional Value Of Fish Powder Composition (fpc) From Different Dried Sis Fishes In Bangladesh
The biochemical compositions and nutritional value of Small Indigenous Species (SIS) fishes were analyzed using analytical techniques. Proximate composition of five dried fish species viz. Glossogobius giuris, Colisa fasciata, Puntius ticto, Eutropiichtheys vacha, Corica soborna and a group of mixed SIS fishes viz. Chanda nama, Chanda ranga, Amblypharyngodon mola,... Continue here

Assessment Of The Nutritional Knowledge, Eating Habits And Nutritional Statuses Of Healthcare Workers In Jos, North-central Nigeria
The Heath workforce is a critical source of nutritional knowledge for the population in developing countries. Their ability to fulfil this role is dependent on their nutritional knowledge and practises. This study aimed to ascertain the nutritional knowledge, practises and statuses of healthcare workers in Jos metropolis. A descriptive cross-sectional study of 239... Continue here

Nutritional And Anti-nutritional Analysis Of Monechma Ciliatum Leaves
Monechma ciliatum leaves are widely used as hay for animal nutrition and in traditional medicine for treatment of various ailments. The leaves were analyzed for proximate, minerals and anti-nutritional content using standard analytical methods. The results showed that the leaves contain moisture (84.09±0.81%), ash (14.00±0.50%), crude protein... Continue here

Quality Evaluation Of Plantain-african Yam Bean Flour Blends And Sensory Properties Of Its Cooked (amala) Paste
Enrichment of plantain which is largely minerals and fibre rich food with moderate amount of protein and oils will provide a cooked (amala) paste with adequate nutrients dense meal. Quality evaluation of plantain-African Yam Beans (AYB) flour blends and sensory properties of its amala paste was evaluated for staple food production. Plantain was processed into... Continue here

Effect Of Skim Milk Powder And Sucrose On Quality And Storage Stability Of Mango Leather
Mango has marvelous flavour, eye-catching color, fragrance, appealing taste and high nutritional value which make it one of the best fruit. Pakistan produced tons of mango varieties with exceptional taste, aroma and flavor. Despite the massive production, huge volume of produced mangoes are wasted due to post harvest losses. These losses can be curtailed through... Continue here

Assessment Of The Nutritional Status And Quality Of Food For Brazzaville Pupils: The Case Of High School Pupils At Lionil Modern School (brazzaville, Congo)
The problem of child malnutrition is a phenomenon associated with an accelerated nutritional transition in developing countries. The objective of this work is to assess the nutritional status of high school pupils in the city of Brazzaville, as well as the relationship between the Body Mass Index (BMI) obtained and the eating behavior of these pupils. This study... Continue here

Application Of Artificial Neural Network For Estimating The Qualitative Characteristics Of Cantaloupe Melon And Comparison With The Regression Model
In this paper, the quality characteristics of melon was estimated by using color parameters and neural networks for three fertilizing stages (no fertilizer, fertilizing 5 and 10 ton/ha). For this purpose, chemical parameters including fructose, glucose and sucrose, and color parameters such as L*, a*, b* were studied. Physical characteristics under study were... Continue here

A Systematic Review Of Maternal Feeding Practice And Its Outcome In Developing Countries
Maternal nutrition is an important public health problem in low-income countries around the world and mothers from this setting are considered as a nutritionally vulnerable group. Due to the nursing process, mothers are subjected to nutritional stresses. Frequent pregnancies followed by lactation and poor feeding habits result in poor birth outcomes and increase... Continue here

Efficacy Of Warm Water, Sodium Hypochlorite And Trisodium Phosphate On E.coli O157: H7 And Salmonella Typhimurium Artificially Inoculated In Telapia Nilotica Fillets
The Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (Tilapia nilotica) is a native fish in Egypt and it is widely consumed as it represent a great protein source. The health of Egyptians is badly affected by some foodborne pathogens such as E.coli O157: H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium which are being transmitted by eating the contaminated Tilapia nilotica fillets.... Continue here

Efficacy Of Nutrition Counselling On Energy And Micronutrient Intake Of Pregnant Women In Migori County, Kenya
A large number of pregnant women in many parts of the world enter pregnancy at sub-optimal weight. More than 60% of Kenyan population suffers from food insecurity.  The result is malnutrition which primarily affects pregnant women and children and significantly contributes to their morbidity and mortality.  Maternal nutrition is critical for both mother... Continue here

Effect Of Some Processing Methods On The Proximate, Mineral, Microbiological And Sensory Qualities Of Cowpea Enriched Maize Snack (ipekere Agbado)
The development of cheap, readily available and nutritious snack from indigenous crops (maize and cowpea blend) was carried out and evaluated. The objective of the study was to increase the nutrient content of the snack with respect to protein and mineral. The effect of processing methods; oven-drying and oil-frying on the quality attributes of the snack was... Continue here

Physico-chemical And Antibacteria Evaluation Of Oil Extracted From Ripe And Unripe Pawpaw Seed (carica Papaya)
Crude oil samples extracted from seeds of ripe and unripe pawpaw (Carica papaya) were evaluated for their physicochemical characteristics and antibacterial activities using standard methods. The chemical characteristics evaluated for oil from ripe and unripe pawpaw seed were Iodine value (g/100g) 52.44 ± 0.02 and 47.62 ± 0.01, Acid value (mg/g) 9.27... Continue here

Thin Layer Modelling Of Hybrid, Solar And Open Sun Drying Of Tomato Slices
The thin layer drying behaviour of tomato slices dried using hybrid drying method as well as solar and open sun drying was investigated. Six thin layer drying models (Page, Logarithmic, Henderson and Pabis, Newton (Lewis), Wang and Singh and Parabolic) were used to optimize the goodness of fit to the experimental data. The models were compared using coefficient of... Continue here

Comparative Studies Of Physico-chemical Composition And Antibacterial Activities Of Essential Oil Extracted From Medicinal Plants Of Scent Leaves (ocimum Basilicum Lamiaceae And Ocimum Gratissimum Lamiaceae)
A comparative study was conducted on essential oil extracted from sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) and Africa basil (Ocimum gratissimum L.) using standard methods (AOAC, 2000, Pelczer and Black, 1993), for their physico-chemical composition and antibacterial activities. The comparison between the two scent leaves was necessary to indicate the one with high... Continue here

Effect Of Cowpea Enrichment On The Physico-chemical, Mineral And Microbiological Properties Of Maize:cowpea Flour Blends
Production of nutritious low cost complementary foods is a panacea to malnutrition in developing countries. The objective of this study was to examine the complementary effect of cowpea on some quality attributes of maize flour. Flour blends were produced from maize and cowpea flours in the following ratios of maize: cowpea; 90:10, 80:20, 70:30 and 100% maize as... Continue here

Heavy Metal Levels In Tilapia Zilli Samples From North Central Nigerian Rivers
The determination of Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb contents in Tilapia zilli of North Central Nigeria Rivers were made using Atomic Absorption spectrophotometric technique. The method of acid digestion in 1:5:1, 70% perchloric, concentrated nitric and concentrated sulphuric acid was used to liberate the metals. The concentration of heavy metals (mg/kg) during the wet season... Continue here

Comparative Assessment Of “wara” (local Cheese) Produced Using Three Natural Additives As Coagulants
This study was carried out to assess the nutritional and organoleptic properties of “Wara” - local cheese prepared by addition of some selected coagulants. All experiments were carried out under standard laboratory conditions. Three variants of cheese were made using three natural coagulants which include Calotropis procera (CC), Moringa oleifera (MC)... Continue here

Effect Of Varietal Difference On The Proximate, Functional And Sensory Properties Of Melon Seeds
The study was carried out to evaluate the effect of varietal difference on the proximate, functional and sensory properties of four varieties of melon seeds such as Cucumis melo, Cucumeropsis manii, Citrullus colocynths and Citrullus vulgaris. The proximate result showed that protein, fat, ash, moisture, crude fibre and carbohydrate contents of the melon seeds... Continue here

Effect Of Processing Methods And Storage Time On Physical Characteristics Of Palm Oil
The effect of processing methods and the storage time on the physical characteristics of palm oil was determined. Samples of palm oil were produced using four processing methods (Hot Extraction; Cold Extraction; Hot Extraction with Red Sand and Mechanized Extraction), packaged in plastic containers and stored at ambient temperature for 0 to 3 month(s). There was... Continue here

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