ISSN: 2971-673X
DOI: 10.31248/JEIA
Prepare Manuscript for Submission
Publication process starts with preparing your manuscript in accordance with the guidelines of the Journal of Engineering Innovations and Applications (JEIA). Authors are encourged to read the “JEIA Authors Guidelines” to know the requirement of JEIA and prepare thier manuscript based on the guidelines. Authors also need to read the “JEIA Process” to understand different stages of the publication process.
Submission of Manuscript
Manuscripts for publication in the Journal of Engineering Innovations and Applications are submitted through the online portal or JEIA official email address ( After the submission, an acknowledgement letter will be sent to the corresponding author within 24 hours. Manuscripts submitted to Journal of Engineering Innovations and Applications may be recommended for transfer if the assigned editor decided that the manuscript will be more suitable for publication in another journal within or outside Integrity Research Journals.
Review Process
Once a manuscript is submitted for publication, the manuscript is checked by JEIA Editorial Officer, for plagiarism and other related issues to ensure that it conform to the prelimenary standard of Applied Journal of Physical Science and it suitability to go through the review process. Then, the manuscript is assigned to an appropriate Editorial Board Member who does not have personal or academic relationship with the author(s) to access the quality of the manuscript before it is assigned to external reviewers. If the Editorial Board Member finds out that the manuscript is good enough and within the scope of the JEIA, it will be assigned to qualified External Reviewers for review, otherwise it will be rejected immediately with no further consideration.
In the review process, the manuscript will be assigned to reviewers without the authors’ information. The peer-review process is double blinded; that is, the identity and information of the authors and reviewers are not disclosed to each other during and after the review process. This is to ensure transparency and fair review process. The assigned reviewers are expected to submit their reports (comments) on the manuscripts within 10 days along with their recommendation of one of the following actions to the editor: ACCEPT AS IT IS; REQUIRED MINOR CHANGES; REQUIRED MODERATE CHANGES; REQUIRED MAJOR CHANGES; or REJECT.
For the purpose of transparency and clarity, the reviewers will give adequate reason(s) why a manuscript should be rejected.
Acceptance or Rejection of Manuscript
When all reviewers have submitted their reports, the reviewers’ comments will be forwarded to the corresponding author for him/her to make corrections to the original manuscript and submit it to the editorial office as the revised manuscript. If more than two reviewers recommend the manuscript for rejection, it will be rejected immediately. Otherwise, the original manuscript, revised manuscript and the reviewers’ comments will be forwarded to the editor for any of the following recommendation: ACCEPTED; MINOR CHANGES; MAJOR CHANGES; or REJECT.
If the editor ACCEPTS the manuscript, it will immediately be published after minor editing. If the editor recommends “MINOR or MAJOR CHANGES,” the corresponding author is notified to prepare and re-submit a final copy of the manuscript with the required minor or major changes effected. Once the editor is satisfied with the final manuscript, the manuscript can be accepted. If the editor recommends “REJECTS,” the manuscript, will be rejected immediately. However, the author can appeal the reviewers or editors decision if he/she has strong reasons and belief in his/her opinion.
Article Processing Fee
As soon as the manuscript is accepted for publication by the editor, the corresponding author will be notified to make the necessary payment for their manuscript through the online payment platform (though, other options are also available). The Article Processing Fee for the Journal of Engineering Innovations and Applications is flexible depending on the country of the author as classified by World Bank: LOW-INCOME ECONOMIES, LOWER-MIDDLE INCOME ECONOMIES, UPPER-MIDDLE-INCOME ECONOMIES and HIGH-INCOME ECONOMIES (click here). Authors from LOW-INCOME ECONOMIES and LOWER-MIDDLE INCOME ECONOMIES countries will be granted 50% automatic waiver. Please contact the Accounts Department at for information regarding waiver, processing fee and payments.
Proof of the Manuscript
After the acceptance of the manuscript, the accepted version of the manuscript will undergo final editing and the proof copy will be sent to the corresponding author for final correction and approval before it will be published. The corresponding author is expected to return the correction to the proof within 48 hours or give a final approval for publication if there is no correction. Failure of the corresponding author to reply to the proof within the specified period of time means an agreement to publish his/her manuscript in its present state.
Once the author(s) is/are satisfied with the final proofs, the manuscripts will be included in the next issue of JEIA. Thereafter, the article will be published on the JEIA website.
Publication Notification
A publication notice is sent to the corresponding author with links to the issue and article after the article is made available on the JEIA website.
Manuscript Status
At any stage of the manuscripts, authors will be able to track status of their manuscripts. Also, any change in the manuscript status will be communicated to the corresponding author when necessary. The corresponding author also reserves the right to request for the status of their manuscript if they are yet to hear from the Editorial Office.