Fibroblast is the principal active cell of connective tissue. It can be used as a useful tool for reproductive and therapeutic studies for its ability to easily grow in culture, create a preferable environment to growth and can be used as both for primary and permanent cell lines. Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is commonly used for complete genetic... Continue here
The study was conducted to evaluate the growth and body morphometric parameters of broiler chickens orally administered varying levels of lemongrass extract at finisher phase. A total of 150 ROS 308 day old broiler chicks were allotted into five (5) treatments containing ten (10) chicks with three replications in a completely randomized design. The diets consist... Continue here
The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of giving noni fruit extract (Morinda citrifolia L.) compared to zinc bacitracin to broiler chickens on total lactic acid bacteria, coliform bacteria, small intestine pH, protein digestibility, meat calcium mass, meat protein mass and carcass weight. This research used 200 unsexed broiler chickens of Cobb MB 202... Continue here
The study was conducted from December 15, 2019 to January 26, 2020 at College of Agriculture and Forestry, Apayao State College, Cubet-Malama, Conner, Apayao, Philippines aimed to evaluate the effect of different probiotics on the growth performance of broiler chicken, specifically on the initial and weekly body weight, gain in weight, percentage rate of growth,... Continue here
Survival of semi-intensively managed cattle during dry season is critical towards their successful development. Cattle are of large size that obviously require high volume of feeds, for sustenance and productive purposes. A completely randomized design study over a period of three months during the major dry season (January to March) was carried out. The mean body... Continue here
Metaphase production is an important aspect of cytogenetic studies. To achieve acceptable metaphase spreads for cytogenetic study, cells, depending on source animals, require different operating conditions. It is therefore necessary to optimize the process to produce a protocol, which achieves the best result. This study aimed to establish the growth and arrest... Continue here