Integrity Research Journals

ISSN: 2536-7099
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/JASVM
Start Year: 2016

ISSUE (Vol.9 (1) - February 28th, 2024)

Intestinal Helminth Parasites Of Felis Catus In Syangja, Nepal
Domestic cats can be infested by a huge range of parasite species, leading to a range of diverse clinical signs and symptoms. However, a comprehensive understanding of these endoparasites, particularly in the context of multiparasitism, remains limited. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of intestinal helminth parasites on domestic cats in... Continue here

Indigestible Foreign Bodies In Cattle And Goats: A Veterinary Surgical Emergency And Potential Silent Killer In South Sudan
In South Sudan, reckless littering and contamination of environment with all sorts of solid waste turned Indigestible Foreign Bodies (IFBs), poor knowledge of the public and farmers and the current animal husbandry system in practice constituted potential drivers for ruminant animals to inevitably ingest one or more of IFBs, that proved to be a potential,... Continue here

Carriage Of Staphylococcus Pseudintermedius On Dogs, Surfaces, And Personnel At University Of Jos Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Plateau State, North-central Nigeria
Staphylococcus pseudintermedius is considered a primary pathogen of canine skin and soft tissue infections, which can be found in several sites of the body, including nares, perineum-rectum, and mouth. The importance of this bacteria has brought this study to determine the carriage and antimicrobial resistance profiles of S. pseudintermedius from dogs, personnel... Continue here

Haematological Parameters Of Sheep In The Semi-arid Zone Of North Eastern Nigeria
Haematological parameters of sheep in the semi-arid zone of North-Eastern Nigeria were studied between August 2022 and April, 2023.  Blood was sampled from one hundred and sixty-eight sheep comprising of Yankasa, Balami and Uda (56 per breed) at the Federal University Gashua Teaching and Research Farm, Gashua abattoir and Garin Alkali goats and sheep markets.... Continue here

Comparative Quality Attributes And Sensory Acceptance Of Deep-fried And Oven-cooked Broiler Chicken Nuggets
The growing concern over consumption of fatty foods had increased the focus on formulating and developing nutritious and tasty low-fat meat products. However, the cooking methods employed during preparation of a food can change consumer’s perception about the product. Breast and thigh muscles were deboned, grounded, mixed with nugget ingredients to form an... Continue here

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