
Integrity Research Journals

ISSN: 2536-7099
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/JASVM
Start Year: 2016
Email: jasvm@integrityresjournals.org

JASVM Articles

Evaluation Of Growth, Carcass And Meat Sensory Characteristics Of West African Dwarf Bucks Fed Dietary Enterolobium Cyclocarpum Leaves
The leaves of Enterolobium cyclocarpum contain secondary metabolites which have beneficial and detrimental effects on the animals consuming them. This experiment was thus designed to investigate these effects on the growth performance, carcass and meat sensory characteristics of WAD bucks fed concentrate diets containing varying levels of Enterolobium cyclocarpum... Continue here

Dietary Effects Of Substituting Maize For Yellow Cocoyam (xanthosoma Sagittifolium) As Energy Source For Weaner Pigs
Due to consistent increases in the prices of conventional feeds, researchers have started looking for alternative sources of feeds. The research was conducted to investigate the dietary effect of substituting maize for cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) as energy source for weaner pigs. The experiment was conducted at the Swine Unit of the Teaching and Research... Continue here

Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility And Cost Benefit Analysis Of Broiler Birds Fed Lizard Meal As A Replacement For Fishmeal
Two hundred and twenty-five day-old broiler chicks of “Anak 2000” strain were used to determine the effect of partially and completely replacing fishmeal (Fm) with lizard meal (Lm) in broiler birds. The objectives were targeted at the growth performance, nutrient digestibility and the cost benefit analysis of the birds from day old to the eight weeks... Continue here

Replacement Levels Of Feather Meal To Fishmeal In Broiler Birds (a Case Study In Ishiagu, Ivo Local Government Area Of Ebonyi State)
One hundred and forty-four (144) day old “Sayyed” broiler birds were used to determine the effect of replacing fishmeal with feather meal on the growth performance and cost benefit analysis of broiler birds. The birds were randomly selected and distributed into four treatment groups of thirty-six birds, each comprising three replicates per treatment... Continue here

Rumen Characteristics And Thermo-physiological Response Of West African Dwarf Goats Supplemented With Pineapple Waste And Cassava Peel Concentrates
The study was conducted to evaluate the rumen characteristics and thermo physiological response of West African Dwarf goats fed pineapple waste and cassava peel concentrate in Anyigba, Kogi State. Twelve growing West African Dwarf goats with average weight 4-5±0.05 kg and approximately 4 to 6 months of age were randomly allotted four (4) dietary treatments... Continue here

Dietary Potency Of Sun-dried Turmeric Powder On Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility And Cost Analysis Of Starter Broiler Chicks
The present study was carried out to assess the dietary potency of sun-dried turmeric (Curcuma longa) powder on the performance of the broiler chicks. A total of one hundred and twenty (120) day old abor acre plus chicks were randomly allocated to four (4) dietary treatments each with three replicates of ten (10) chicks. Four experimental diets were formulated in... Continue here

Anthelmintic Effects Of Four Medicinal Plants Using In Vitro L3 Larva Stage
In vitro anthelminthic activity of Vernonia amygdalina, Ocimum grattissimum, Nicotiana tabacum and Talinum triangulare using L3 stage larva was investigated. Standard procedure was followed for larva culturing, preparation of extract and for in vitro assay. The concentration of Vernonia amygdalina was effective at 1.0 mg/ml at 1 and 2 hours, Ocimum grattissimum at... Continue here

Blood Pressure Regulation And Mechanism Of Hypertension Development In Dogs And Cats: A Review
The review article aims at discussing the mechanisms of blood pressure regulation and hypertension development in dogs and cats. This will enhance the knowledge of clinicians and researchers on the pathophysiology of hypertension and mechanisms of normal blood pressure regulation in small animals. Hypertension is a risk factor for other cardiovascular diseases in... Continue here

Effects Of Graded Doses Of Ethanol Extract Of Pleurotus Ostreatus (oyster Mushroom) On The Sperm Quality And Haemo-biochemical Parameters Of The Male Wistar Rats
The effects of graded doses of ethanol extract of Pleurotus ostreatus (EEPO) on the sperm quality and haemo-biochemical parameters of the male Wistar rats were studied. Twenty-five adult male rats were randomly assigned into 5 groups A-E, (n=5). Groups A, B, C, and D were treated with 200, 400, 600 and 800 mg/kg of EEPO respectively while group E received 0.2 ml... Continue here

Seasonal Changes In Semen Characteristics Of Pure And Crossbred Rabbit Bucks Fed Graded Levels Of Vitamin C Under Heat Stress Conditions
The experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of season and graded vitamin C levels on semen quality of rabbit bucks in the Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. A total of 55 rabbit bucks consisting of 40 pure New Zealand White (NZW) and 15 New Zealand x California (NZW×CAL) crossbreds were used for the study. The duration of the study spanned the... Continue here

Genes Affecting Coat Colour And The Resulting Variation In Horses (equus Caballus) – A Review
Horse colour is important. People chose horses for their colour pattern diversity, according to archaeological investigations and biological evidence. Horses were generally dark coloured before domestication, according to molecular testing. After domestication, the genes for white patterns and dilutions appeared. The appearance of their horses, as well as their... Continue here

Overview Of Methodology For Studying Dna Methylation: A Review
DNA methylation is the addition of a methyl group to the 5th carbon atom of cytosine in a CpG dinucleotide. It is a mechanism that causes a change in expression without altering the base sequence. It is associated with a wide range of biological processes, including deactivation of chromosome X, genomic imprinting, stem cell differentiation, gene expression... Continue here

Relationships Amongst Carcass Traits In Some Breeds Of Domestic Rabbit (oryctolagus Cuniculus) Bucks
Thirty-two (32) rabbit bucks of 15-16 weeks (105-112 days) of age comprising of 10 bucks of New Zealand white (NZ), 11 bucks of Chinchilla (CH), and 11 bucks of Dutch (DH) breed with an average weight of 1266 g were used and the experiment lasted for 56 days with each rabbit in a pen. The study to determine relationships amongst carcass traits in some breeds of... Continue here

Risk Factors For Twinning And Effects On The Subsequent Production And Reproductive Performances In Moroccan Holstein Cows
This study was designed to determine the risk factors for twinning and its effects on the subsequent production and reproductive performances in Moroccan Holstein cows. The data analyzed were from records of 1770 calving events (157 for twins and 1613 for singles) from July 2008 to December 2012 in a private farm. The logistic regression was used to estimate the... Continue here

Economics Of Production Of Laying Japanese Quails Fed With Different Energy Sources In Semi-arid Environment Of Gashua, Yobe State, Nigeria
An experiment was conducted to assess the economics of production of laying Japanese quails fed millet and sorghum as alternatives to maize. Three hundred (300) day old quails were sourced form National Veterinary Institute Jos. The birds were brooded for two weeks and randomly allotted to three (3) different energy sources i.e. maize, millet and sorghum... Continue here

Effects Of Oral Administration Of Monosodium Glutamate (msg) On Semen Characteristics And Sperm Morphology Of The West African Dwarf Bucks (capra Hircus)
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a sodium salt of glutamic acid, popularly known as (Ajinomoto) and indiscriminately consumed as a flavour enhancer in various foods. The consequences of Monosodium glutamate consumption on semen characteristics and sperm morphology remain unknown. This study aimed to investigate the effects of MSG on semen characteristics and sperm... Continue here

Bioconversion Of Fermented Tofu Waste Into High Protein Alternative Feed Using Black Soldier Fly (hermetia Illucens)
This study determines the life cycle and nutritional content of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae cultured on fermented tofu waste. The materials used in the study were tofu pulp, fermented tofu pulp, tempeh yeast, and the eggs of H. illucens fly. This study used a Completely Randomized Design with four treatments with five replications. The treatments... Continue here

Sequential Effects Of Experimental Newcastle Disease Virus On Performance And Severity Of Clinical Manifestation Of The Disease In Three Indigenous Nigerian Genotypes Of Chickens
Newcastle disease has been identified as a killer viral infection associated with high case fatality in poultry. This study was conducted to evaluate the sequential effects of experimental Newcastle disease on the performance and severity of clinical manifestation of the disease in three indigenous Nigerian genotypes of chickens. A total of 180 day-old Nigerian... Continue here

Effect Of Multi-enzyme Complex And Feed Form On Growth Performance, Slaughter Characteristic, Total Tract Nutrient Digestibility, And Energy Utilization In Broiler Chickens
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation of exogenous multi-enzyme complex and feed form on growth performance, slaughter characteristics, nutrient digestibility, phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), and nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy (AMEn) utilization in broilers fed corn–soybean meal diets. A total of 312... Continue here

The Impact Of Heat Stress On Oxidative Stress And Histopathological Dynamics In Red Hybrid Tilapia Experimentally Infected With Streptococcus Agalactiae
The most common predisposing factor to Streptococcosis in the aquaculture industry is heat stress. The impact of heat stress on oxidative stress and histopathological changes in red tilapia with Streptococcosis is not well understood. This study aimed at evaluating the impact of heat stress on oxidative stress and histopathological dynamics in red hybrid tilapia... Continue here

Page 9 of 14, showing 20 records out of 279 total, starting on record 161, ending on 180