
Integrity Research Journals

ISSN: 2536-7099
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/JASVM
Start Year: 2016
Email: jasvm@integrityresjournals.org

JASVM Articles

Prevalence Of Cryptosporidium Species Oocysts Among Small Ruminants In Potiskum Livestock Market, Yobe State, Nigeria
A cross-sectional study was carried out to determine the prevalence of Cryptosporidium species oocysts in small ruminants in Potiskum livestock market, Yobe State, Nigeria. Faecal samples from 203 animals; 100 sheep and 103 goats were tested using modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining technique. An overall prevalence of 20.7% (42/203) was recorded in the study with a... Continue here

Identification Of Causes And Associated Risk Factors For Lameness In Working Donkeys In And Around Bishoftu
The present study was conducted from November 2014 to April 2015 in and around Bishoftu town to determine causes, associated risk factors and owner's response to causes of lameness for lame donkeys presented to Donkey Health and Welfare Project Clinic. Accordingly, 325 lame donkeys were purposively selected for this study. Questionnaire survey and physical... Continue here

A Survey Of The Incidence Of Worm Parasites In Laying Chickens In Abak Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
This research is based on parasitic helminthes of laying birds conducted in July 2018 in the Department of Animal Science, Akwa Ibom State University, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. This work aimed at identifying the types of worm parasites that may be found in laying birds (poultry) farms and to determine their prevalent rates in layers together with the percentage... Continue here

In Vitro Gas Production From Cassava Peels Supplemented With Unconventional Nitrogen Sources And Forages By Small Ruminants
A study was conducted to ascertain the nutritional value of N-source treated and forage supplemented cassava peels (CSP) using in vitro gas production technique. Cassava peels were treated and supplemented with materials rich in nitrogen: fertilizer grade urea (T1 = CSP + U), broiler litter (T2 = CSP + BL), cassava forage (T3 = CSP + CSF) and sweet potato forage... Continue here

Growth Performance And Economics Of Broiler Chickens Production Fed Full Fat Soy Bean As Affected By Different Processing
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance and economics of broiler chickens production fed diets containing differently processed full fat soy bean. Five diets were formulated in which differently processed full fat soy bean containing sprouted, salt treated, cooked and roasted with raw soy bean as control. Two hundred and fifty (250) Anak 2000... Continue here

Gross Visceral Organs Morphometry And Carcass Quality In Broiler Chicken Fed Tannia (xanthosoma Sagittifolium) Cocoyam
Tannia cocoyam meals (CCYM) as substitutes for maize were evaluated in a six week feeding trial, in order to determine and compare effects of dietary inclusion at 100% of tannia cocoyam and the levels of antinutritional factors present. Ninety-six broiler chickens at four weeks of age were randomly allotted in groups of 12 to one of the following diets. The... Continue here

Effect Of Cooking Durations On Amino Acids Profile Of Flamboyant Seed Meal (delonix Regia) For Animals Feeding
This study assesses the amino acids profile of Flamboyant seeds (Delonix regia) collected at the premises of Plateau State College of Agriculture, Garkawa. Flamboyant seed meal (FSM) were cooked for 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 mins as treatments and replicated three times in a completely randomized design (CRD). It was then analyses for both essential and non-essential... Continue here

Study Of Physico-chemical Factors Affecting The Growth Of Cell-culture Adapted Bovine Rotavirus Strain Of Pakistan
Rotavirus (RV) diarrhea is the major cause of death of millions of children in developing countries besides causing economically significant malady in neonates of many domestic animals. There is a very little information available for the factors which can affect prevalence of Bovine Rotavirus (BRV) in Pakistan. There is a dire need to propagate BRV on cell... Continue here

Prevalence Of Gastrointestinal Parasites Of Sheep And Goats Slaughtered In Minna Modern Abattoir, Niger State, Nigeria
Livestock and their products are the major source of animal protein. They also play a crucial role in the economy of most nations including Nigeria. However, parasitism presents a major constraint limiting livestock production in most developing countries. Therefore, this study is aimed at determining the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites of commercial... Continue here

Osteometrical Study On Age Related Changes Of The Skull Of Yankasa Ram
There is dearth of information on the biometry, clinical and applied anatomy of the head region, general morphology on the indigenous breed of sheep in particular, hence led to the motivation behind this study. This study gives the first biometric description of the skull of Yankasa indigenous breed of sheep in Nigeria.  Twenty-five heads (5 [0 – 6... Continue here

Growth Performance And Carcass Characteristics Of West African Dwarf (wad) Goats Fed Selected Forages In Akwa Ibom State
The potential of selected forages was evaluated using West African Dwarf (WAD) goats. Six forages namely, Andropogon tectorum, Panicum maximum, Aspilia Africana, Gmelina arborea, Alchornea cordifolia and Bambusa vulgaris designated as T1 to T6, respectively were the only feed source used for the study. Thirty West African Dwarf goats aged 8 to 9 months, with an... Continue here

Prevalence Of Cryptosporidium Species Copro-antigens In Piglets In Kafanchan, Kaduna State, Nigeria
Cryptosporidiosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium spp. A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. copro-antigens in piglets from Kafanchan, Kaduna Sate, Nigeria. A total of 185 faecal samples from piglets were collected and tested using a commercial kit (Copro-Enzyme Linked... Continue here

A Survey On Rabbit Production In The City Of Gaborone, Botswana
This study was conducted to provide information on rabbit production in 20 operations in the City of Gaborone, Botswana. Data were collected from individual rabbit breeders and educational institutions (5) using a structured questionnaire and through direct observation. Rabbit farming in Botswana is only carried out at subsistence level. Results showed that 55% of... Continue here

Rectal Temperature And Behaviour Of Layer Hens Administered With Vitamins C And E And Transported During The Hot-dry Season
A 6 hours experiment involving 90 apparently healthy Shika Brown layer hens of twenty-two weeks age and an average live weight of 1.1 ± 0.2 kg was carried out in a completely randomized design to evaluate the effects of vitamins C and E on rectal temperature (RT) and behaviour of the birds transported by road during the hot-dry season. Two experimental... Continue here

Laying Hen Strains And Breeding System: A Review Of Hen Behavior And Welfare, Hen Production Performance And Eggs Quality Traits In Africa And Around The World
The breeding system for laying hens has been the focus of scientific research for many years. During the last decade, new laying hen systems were rapidly introduced with the aim of improving the health of poultry and the welfare of consumers, producers and industries on the one hand and meeting the requirements on the other hand. The choice of the genetic type... Continue here

Squamous Cell Carcinoma On The Eyelid Of Nigerian Albino Horse
Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common neoplasia of the skin in horses. An adult albino stallion of Nigerian indigenous (Arewa) breed used for military ceremonial parade was presented with the chief complaints of growth on left side lower eyelid and unilateral epiphora. Tentatively diagnosis of eyelid squamous cell carcinoma was made and managed successfully.... Continue here

Artificial Insemination In Botswana: Challenges And Opportunities - A Review
Artificial insemination (AI) was introduced in Botswana in 1966 to provide smallholder cattle farmers with access to superior bulls for cross-breeding to improve their herd quality and performance. This review endeavours to highlight farmers’ uptake of AI service, challenges and the opportunities in the use of AI technology in Botswana. The 15 AI centres... Continue here

Effect Of Roselle (hibiscus Sabdariffa Linn) Calyx Residue On Growth Performance, Haematological And Serum Biochemical Indices Of Weaner Rabbits
The study was carried out to determine the growth performance, haematological and serum biochemical indices of weaner rabbits fed roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) calyx residue. Thirty (30) rabbits were allotted into five treatments with six rabbits per treatment. Each treatment was replicated three times with two rabbits per replicate. The rabbits were fed... Continue here

Indigenous Pig Farming In Rural Areas Of Sierra Leone: Practices, Constraints And Impact On Livelihood
Poverty and inequality between urban and rural areas remained major social issues in Sierra Leone. These are drivers forcing rural people to engage in feasible livelihood options such as animal husbandry. The current study, that lasted for seven (7) months attempt to investigate pig farming in rural areas of Moyamba district, Sierra Leone. The overarching... Continue here

Evaluation Of Antidotal Potentials Of Hydroethanolic Extract Of Spirulina Platensis On Teratogenicity Of Cavia Porcellus Induced By Exposure To Lead Acetate
Lead acetate is a compound that is teratogenic and could cause hazards in pregnant humans and economic loses in livestock. This study aims to evaluate the protective and curative effects of hydroethanolic extract of Spirulina platensis (HESP) on embryo-toxicity in guinea pig exposed to lead acetate. Eighteen females, aged 4 months old and weighing 350±5.3 g... Continue here

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