Integrity Research Journals

ISSN: 2536-7099
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/JASVM
Start Year: 2016

Gross visceral organs morphometry and carcass quality in broiler chicken fed Tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) cocoyam   |   Article Number: 7784759B7   |   Vol.4 (1) - February 2019

Received Date: 08 January 2019   |   Accepted Date: 04 February 2019  |   Published Date: 28 February 2019

Authors:  Mohammed Abdulrashid* and Leonard Nnabuenyi Agwunobi

Keywords: Anti-nutritional factors, boiled tannia, broiler birds, carcass characteristics, organs weight, raw tannia

Tannia cocoyam meals (CCYM) as substitutes for maize were evaluated in a six week feeding trial, in order to determine and compare effects of dietary inclusion at 100% of tannia cocoyam and the levels of antinutritional factors present. Ninety-six broiler chickens at four weeks of age were randomly allotted in groups of 12 to one of the following diets. The dietary treatments contain 0, 25, 50 and 100% CCYM of Tannia which comprised of raw sundried and boiled sundried forms. Proximate analyses of the test ingredient and that of maize was conducted. Antinutritional factor analyses of the test ingredients were also conducted. Carcass quality evaluation was also determined only on control groups and 100% (cocoyam inclusion). The results of proximate compositions indicated that tannia is higher in crude fibre, ash and nitrogen free extract. The weight of crop on raw tannia (31.70) was significantly lower (p<0.05) than that of the control diet (32.45). The live weight, dressed weight and eviscerated weight and all other cut parts for both raw and boiled CCYM were similar (p>0.05) to control. The weights of crop and intestine on 100% CCYM diets differed significantly (p<0.05) with lower values on the control (32.45 and 112.08 respectively) and higher values on boiled sundried tannia (53.74 and 132.30 respectively). Significantly higher levels (p<0.001) of anti-nutritional factors were observed on raw sundried tannia than the boiled sundried tannia. The carcass yield and organs weight were significantly higher (p<0.05) on boiled sundried tannia as compared to that of raw sundried. Thus, better feed utilization on boiled tannia diets due to higher feeding value than raw sundried cocoyam. Therefore, boiled tannia could replace maize at 100% inclusion levels without any adverse effects on carcass characteristics, but lower levels of raw tannia is recommended due to higher content of antinutritional factors.

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