ISSN: 2536-7099
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/JASVM
Start Year: 2016
Email: | Article Number: 5CD9D5733 | Vol.9 (1) - February 2024
Received Date: 19 December 2023 | Accepted Date: 25 January 2024 | Published Date: 28 February 2024
Authors: Asinamai Athliamai BITRUS* , Domshak Benmuwan NGUKET , Dishon Hurdson CHARIBU , Adanu Williams ADANU , Mayowa Peter OLABODE , Gaddafi Mohammed SANI , Faez Firdaus Abdullah JESSE and Zakaria ZUNITA
Keywords: AMR, MDR, phenotypes, Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, veterinary hospital.
Staphylococcus pseudintermedius is considered a primary pathogen of canine skin and soft tissue infections, which can be found in several sites of the body, including nares, perineum-rectum, and mouth. The importance of this bacteria has brought this study to determine the carriage and antimicrobial resistance profiles of S. pseudintermedius from dogs, personnel (Veterinarians and Animal health attendants), and surfaces (door handles, examination tables, weighing scales, thermometers, drip stands and trays, floors, and refrigerators doors) at a Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Two hundred and ten (n = 210) swab samples were collected and continued to phenotypic bacteriologic culture identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing. Fifty (50) questionnaires were collected from dog owners for demographic information and other variables. The result showed that 65.7% (138/210) of S. pseudintermedius phenotypes were recovered from dogs, surfaces, and personnel. Overall, male dogs had a higher carriage of 73.3% (11/15) than females of 65.7% (23/35). The total carriage per body part was 74% (37/50) in the nasal cavity, 72% (36/50) in the perineum, and 58% (29/50) in the oral cavity. A total of dogs sampled 10% (5/50) had a history of previous surgeries within the last 6 months and 64% (32/50) of antimicrobial use for either prophylaxis or therapeutic purposes. Frequency of dog baths showed 42% (21/50) at least twice a week, while the others 58% (29/50) responded that they bathed their dogs if only necessary. All personnel revealed 100% (10/10) of S. pseudintermedius phenotypes in their nasal cavity, while 52% (26/50) of surfaces within the Veterinary Hospital were contaminated with S. pseudintermedius. Seventy-one 71% of the Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolates were multi-drug resistant (MDR) phenotypes, with a very high resistance to tetracycline (67.6%) and erythromycin (44.9%).
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