ISSN: 2536-7072
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/JASP
Start Year: 2016
Email: | Article Number: F9F099EB2 | Vol.3 (3) - June 2018
Received Date: 06 March 2018 | Accepted Date: 15 May 2018 | Published Date: 30 June 2018
Authors: Omeje, T. E. , Ezema, R. A. , Awere, S. U. and Adinde, J. O.
Keywords: Okra, Carbofuran 5G, Dimethoate 40EC, Flea beetles, systemic insecticides.
Flea beetles (Podagrica spp.) have been a serious insect field pests of the family, Malvaceae or hibiscus crops most especially Okra in all growing nations. Field trial was conducted in the Department of Crop Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria to determine their relative effectiveness of synthetic systemic insecticides in field management of Podagrica spp. insect pests of Okra. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and treatments consisted of two synthetic systemic insecticides: Dimethoate 40EC and Carbofuran 5G and control with no insecticide application. Early maturing Clemenson spineless Okra variety, Jokoso was used. The results showed that there were no significant (P > 0.05) effects on Flea beetles population before insecticide treatments at 14 and 28 Days after planting (DAP). There was also no significant effect of insecticide application on fresh pod and dry pod weight (kg/plot) at harvest. However, significant differences (P < 0.05) were obtained on Flea beetles population, number of infected plants (%), fresh pod quality/marketable pods (%) throughout the sampling periods after insecticide application and also on seed viability test after harvest (%). In general, insecticides treated okra plants performed better than the untreated ones with Carbofuran 5G treated plants having the best performance.
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