ISSN: 2536-7072
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/JASP
Start Year: 2016
Email: | Article Number: F386B71E3 | Vol.3 (3) - June 2018
Received Date: 21 March 2018 | Accepted Date: 25 April 2018 | Published Date: 30 June 2018
Authors: Tsado, E. K. , Salaudeen, M. T. , Adesina, O. A. , Ekpa, D. and Muhammed, K. A.
Keywords: Coating, coated vegetables, shea butter, shelf life, vegetables.
Carrot, garden eggplant, okra and pepper were coated with melted shea butter oil by robbing it around the vegetables and then stored for a period of twenty days. The coated fruits took longer time to deteriorate when compared with the uncoated fruits signifying that coated vegetables fruits with edible coating material increases the shelf life and storage longevity. This fact has led the consumers to accept that shea butter is a very good edible coating material that can extend any food material. Some consumers accepted shea butter with mixed feelings. Reasons for their mixed feelings are that some do not take shea butter; they prefer vegetables and fruits in their natural form or processed. The findings from the study showed significant difference in the number of people preferring the freshly coated vegetables from uncoated vegetables and also the differences observed between the vegetables.
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