About JASP
The Journal of Agricultural Science and Practice (JASP) is committed to the advancement of agriculture and the effective use of land resources. The journal provides the best platform for researchers and scholars worldwide to exchange their ideas on recent findings. The journal publishes six (6) issues in a year. All published articles are freely available on the journal's website.
Aims and Scope
The Journal of Agricultural Science and Practice publishes articles in all areas of agriculture such as basic agriculture, animal science and nutrition, entomology, pesticide science, poultry science, agronomy, horticulture, crop production, farming, gardening, plant pathology, seed science, post-harvest biology, agricultural genomics, plant propagation, greenhouse management, farm management, soil science, aquaculture, fishery science, irrigation, water resources management, agricultural engineering, agricultural extension, agricultural economics, agro-industry, weed science, food production, etc.
Types of Articles
The Journal of Agricultural Science and Practice welcomes the submission of original scientific work, reviews of scientific topics of current agricultural relevance, and case reports. Book reviews, letters, and guest editorials are also accepted for publication. See the Author's Guidelines for more details.