
Integrity Research Journals

ISSN: 2636-5995
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/IJET
Start Year: 2016
Email: ijet@integrityresjournals.org

IJET Articles

Determinant Of Health Risk Behaviours Among Secondary School Students In Kwara State, Nigeria
Human behaviour plays a significant role in the maintenance of health, prevention of disease and disease causation; hence knowledge of health risk behaviours becomes necessary to maintain healthy life. This study examined knowledge, practice and factors associated with health risk behaviours among students in three secondary schools in Kwara State. A descriptive... Continue here

Lecture Duration: A Risk Factor For Quality Teaching And Learning In Higher Education
This article explores the possible impact of lecture duration on the quality of teaching and learning in higher education. It does so based on the notion that human attention span has boundaries and limitations, therefore, the concern is: what is the best length of lecture duration for effective teaching and learning in higher education. Based on Capacity Theories... Continue here

Promotion And Discipline Of Employees In Private Universities In Uganda
The study analyzed the relationship between promotion and discipline of employees in private universities in Uganda. It involved 385 respondents from seven private chartered and accredited universities. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire whose validity and reliability was confirmed through Factor Analysis and Cronbach Alpha test.... Continue here

Employee Benefits And Discipline In Private Universities In Uganda
Organizations are operating in a highly competitive environment and to remain relevant they have to be able to respond quickly to ever changing customer demands. Employee benefits is one of the ways used by organizations for attracting and retaining suitable employees as well as facilitating them to improve their performance and thus ensure quality service. This... Continue here

Practices Required By Practicing Teachers Of Agricultural Education In Soil Ph Management For Effective Teaching Of Students In Junior Secondary Schools In North-central Nigeria
This study focussed on practices required by practicing teachers of agricultural education for effective teaching of soil pH management to students in junior secondary schools in North-Central Nigeria. Three objectives were developed to guide the study and questionnaire survey research design was used. The study was carried out in North-Central Nigeria. The... Continue here

Study Habit And Academic Performance Of Christian Religious Studies Students In Federal College Of Education, Zaria, Nigeria
It has been observed that majority of students do not have effective study habit skills that are proportional to their academic demands. In recent times, reports of large scale academic failures among Nigerian students have become a subject of concern for stakeholders. Although, a lot have been written on study habits and academic performance of students in many... Continue here

Determinants Of Job Satisfaction Of Colleges Of Education Lecturers: A Study Of Nasarawa State College Of Education, Akwanga
The main purpose of this study was to determine the extent of job satisfaction among the lecturers of College of Education Akwanga, Nasarawa State. The study was guided by five research questions. Descriptive research design was adopted by the study. The population for the study consisted of 279 lecturers during the 2014/2015 academic session from the six schools... Continue here

Classroom Management Practices And Student Disruptive Behavior
The paper set out to ascertain disruptive behaviours prevalent in pre-tertiary classrooms and teachers’ classroom management styles. The cross-sectional descriptive survey study was designed along quantitative paradigm. Professional teachers with more than two years of post-training experience in the classroom qualified to provide data to address the... Continue here

Influence Of Gender And Mode Of Study On Examination Anxiety Among University Undergraduates Of Ogun State
Tests and examinations at all stages of education, especially at higher education level have been considered an important and powerful tool for decision making in competitive society, with people of all ages being evaluated with respect to their achievement, skills and abilities. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of gender and mode of... Continue here

Internet Access And Usage Patterns As Teaching And Learning Facilities Among Lecturers And Students Of Modibbo Adama University Of Technology, Yola, Nigeria
The study assessed internet access and usage patterns as teaching and learning facilities among lecturers and students of Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was used to collect data from a sample of 583 respondents, comprising 231 lecturers and 352 students. The instrument for data collection... Continue here

Effects Of School Type And Gender On Student’s Self-concept And Mathematics Achievement
The attention of mathematics educators has been focused on the role self-concept plays in students’ achievement for some time now. A great number of studies shows evidence of a relationship between self-concept and mathematics achievement. Some other studies considered gender differences in self-concept and mathematics achievement.  This study was... Continue here

Effect Of Teaching Poultry Production On Choice Of Career By Agricultural Science Students In Secondary Schools In The Southern Senatorial Zone, Adamawa State, Nigeria
The study was carried out to investigate the effect of teaching poultry production on choice of career by Agricultural Science students in secondary schools in Southern Senatorial Zone, Adamawa State, Nigeria.  The study used survey research design.  Six hundred and forty-four (644) respondents out of 18,556 were selected from 30 schools that were... Continue here

An Investigation Into Undergraduate Students’ Attitude Towards Statistics: A Case Of A University In Ghana
Students’ mastery in statistics is of great importance since it serves as a tool for conducting a good research in every academic sphere. This study investigated undergraduates’ attitude towards the study of statistics and its possible implication on their academic achievement in this subject with particular reference to determining plausible... Continue here

Lean For Sustainable Development In South Africa: A Case Study Of Three Universities
Lean in higher education (LHE) is pursued for the reasons of improving efficiency and effectiveness of processes in High Education (HE). This review paper focuses on LHE within the university system to propose the implementation of lean culture and management into research and practices of South Africa universities, via a descriptive case study research method.... Continue here

Episteme And The Study Of The African Religious Heritage: Towards The Use Of Relative Epistemologies
The African religious experience and heritage have been a focal point of enquiry for many centuries. Unfortunately, the depiction of such an African cultural and religious heritage have often been characterized by misconceptions and elaborate distortions. These appear to be a result of detached approaches that western scholars used in the interrogation or... Continue here

Issues And Management Strategies Of Budgeting System In Nigerian Education
The paper examined the issues and strategies for budgetary allocation in Nigerian educational system. However, the concept of budgeting was defined, the issues relating to the types, importance, the procedures for budgeting system was examined. However, this paper explored the problems associated with budgeting allocation, implementation and evaluation.... Continue here

Influence Of Teachers On Nigerian Students’ Behaviour In Basic Science And Technology
Teachers are trained and certificated professionals who give direction and advice to learners. Teachers’ behaviour, academic achievement and acquired skills have direct bearing on students’ personality. Teachers are the main factors in educational development of a nation. It is in this view that this study is geared at investigating the influence of... Continue here

Revitalizing Teacher Education For Political Stability And National Security In Nigeria
Teacher Education is a veritable tool for the educational development in Nigeria. It is a process of preparing teachers for professional roles. This paper discussed revitalizing teacher education for political stability and national security. The paper discussed the conceptual model of educational dimension in any political process. The trend of educational... Continue here

Perception Of Students Regarding The Role Of Teachers And Parents On Career Choice Preparedness: A Case Of Secondary Schools In Meru District, Tanzania
The study investigated the role of teachers and parents on students’ career choice preparedness as perceived by secondary schools’ students in Meru District, Tanzania, using survey research design. Through systematic and purposive sampling, the sample of 406 students from 10 schools filled the questionnaire. Validity was established through expert... Continue here

Assessment Of Pre-service Teachers’ Preparedness For The Adoption Of Flipped Learning Strategy As A Pedagogy For Next Generation Learners In Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria
This study investigated the level of awareness of flipped learning strategy as one of the suitable pedagogy for next generation learners by Obafemi Awolowo University pre-service teachers. It determined their perceptions of flipped learning strategy, and also, examined if the pre-service teachers possess prerequisite skills for implementing flipped learning... Continue here

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