
Integrity Research Journals

ISSN: 2782-750X
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/GJFS
Start Year: 2018
Email: gjfs@integrityresjournals.org

GJFS Articles

Investigation Of Price Fluctuation In Retail Fish Species Marketing In Ibadan, Oyo State
This study investigated price fluctuation in retail fish marketing in Ibadan metropolis for two years. A total of 120 respondents were interviewed in the study and primary data was used through questionnaires with interview. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression model. The questionnaires were distributed randomly in ten selected... Continue here

Effects Of Replacing Soya Bean Meal With Fermented African Locust Bean (parkia Biglobosa) Meal On The Growth Performance And Condition Factor Of Tilapia Zilli Fingerlings
The study was conducted to evaluate the performance characteristics of Tilapia zilli fingerlings fed with locust bean meal as a replacement for soya bean meal in the diet. Two hundred and ten (210) heterogeneous sexes of Tilapia zilli fingerlings with mean weight of 15.24±0.01g were reared for 84 days in five rectangular glass tanks measuring 0.9 m x 0.45 m... Continue here

Comparative Study Of The Metallic Contamination Assessment Of A Paracentrotus Lividus (lmck, 1816) Macrobenthic Community In Algerian West Coast
This study assesses the characteristics of the metallic trace elements (Fe, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) in the Paracentrotus lividus gonads. The physiological indices evolution (RIm and GIm) was adopted in order to determine the laying period of this echinoid; and to support the hypothesis that this species may be considered as an excellent bioindicator in the marine... Continue here

Tolerance Of African Catfish Clarias Gariepinus Fingerlings To Chemotherapeutic Doses Of Potassium Permanganate
In this study, the tolerance of Clarias gariepinus finger-lings (15.5 g) to chemotherapeutic doses of potassium permanganate was investigated. The experiment was done in 15 plastic tanks (106 each) in hatchery facilities by testing ten doses of potassium permanganate in two experimental batches; 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, and 0.0 mg/L in batch one and 0.5, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0,... Continue here

Seasonal And Spatial Variations In Physico-chemical Parameters Of Water And Proximate Composition Of Macrobrachium Macrobrachion From Ologe Lagoon And Badagry Creek, Lagos, Nigeria
In this study, seasonal and spatial variations in physicochemical parameters of water and proximate composition of Macrobrachium macrobrachion from Badagry Creek and Ologe Lagoon were examined. Samples of water and M. macrobrachion were collected from both stations on a monthly basis for six months. The physicochemical parameters monitored were pH, temperature,... Continue here

Effect Of Formulated Feed (containing Common Bean And Leftover Flour) On Growth Performance Of Nile Tilapia (oreochromis Niloticus L.) In Earthen Ponds At Nono District, Ethiopia
Fish feed plays a critical role in aquaculture; it influences production costs, fish growth, health and fish production. One of the approaches to tackle this problem has been to experimentally test the use of agro-industrial byproducts to grow fish in ponds. Thirty (30) fingerlings of Nile tilapia were stocked in each pond and fed with five percent of their body... Continue here

Entrepreneurship Skills Required By Niger Delta Youths For Success In Fish Preservation And Marketing Enterprises
This study explored the entrepreneurship skills required by Niger Delta youths for success in fish preservation and marketing enterprise. Six purposes and 6 research questions guided the study with one hypothesis. The study adopted descriptive survey design and research and development. The population of the study was 2763 while 551 of the population was sampled... Continue here

Challenges Of Women Involved In Fishing Activities (a Case Study Of Otuocha, Anambra State, Nigeria): A Swot Analysis
The study was focused on the challenges of women involved in fishing activities in Otuocha community, Anambra-East Local Government Area, Anambra state, Nigeria. The study examined the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the stated women and analysed their roles and operations. Data collection was through the administration of 60 structured... Continue here

Fisheries Production And Aquaculture Development: Current Status And Future Directions In Ethiopia
Nowadays worldwide projected growth of population pressure with a steadily growth of disposable income and urbanization corroborated by global markets corridor are expected to elicit a substantial increase the demands of high value foods. These situation causes to exploit the aquatic ecosystems mainly for fish, the largest single source of animal protein and... Continue here

Effects Of Two Feeding Rates On The Growth Performance And Survivability Of Clarias Gariepinus Fingerlings Fed On Skretting Fish Feed
Two feeding rates; 5% body weight and feeding to satiation were evaluated to determine their effects on the growth performance and survivability of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings. The objective of the study was to determine which feeding rate was more beneficial to the fish farmer in terms of fish weight gain, length gain, specific growth rate, feed conversion... Continue here

Comparative Study On African Catfish (burchell, 1822) Hypophysation Using Ovaprim And Chicken Pituitary Gland Extract
Comparative study on African catfish hypophysation indices using ovaprim and chicken pituitary gland extract (CPGE) was carried out. Sixteen (16) African catfish brood stocks between 1100 and 2300 g in ratio 2:1 and four (4) numbers of layer birds (Gallus gallus domesticus) between 1200 and 2200 g in ratio 1:3 were used respectively. The experiment was batched... Continue here

Study Of Some Biological Aspects Of The Nile Carp, Labeo Niloticus (pisces, Cyprinidae) From Khashm El-girba Reservoir And Atbara River; Eastern Sudan: Ii, Length-weight Relationship, Condition Factor And Age Structure
This study was undertaken to assess the length-weight relationship, condition factor and age structure, of the Nile carp, Labeo niloticus, in Khashm El-Girba reservoir and Atbara River, Sudan, from December 2015 to November 2016. Samples of fish were collected bi-monthly from three locations, namely; Um Aswad (Atbara River), El-Remila and El-Monaba (Khashm... Continue here

Assessment Of Antimicrobial Drugs Use And Their Residue In The Farmed Fish Of Kaduna, Nigeria
The study assessed antimicrobial drug use, pattern, and the occurrence of residues in farmed fish, as well as the level of awareness of drug residues amongst fish farmers in Kaduna State. A total of 300 fish samples from 30 farms in the three senatorial districts of Kaduna State were screened for the presence of antimicrobial drug residues. One hundred... Continue here

Intra-specific Hybridization And Larval Performance Of Two Strains Of Wild African Catfish Clarias Gariepinus (burchell, 1822) (siluriformes: Clariidae) From Cameroon
In Cameroon, wild strains of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) are often used for artificial reproduction in hatchery facilities, but there is insufficient information on their reproductive capacity and progeny performance. The reproductive capacity of two strains of C. gariepinus from the Mezam and Mungo Rivers and the performance of their F1 larvae obtained... Continue here

Length-weight Relationship And Condition Factor Of Labeo Niloticus, Synodontis Schall And Auchenoglanis Occidentalis, In Upper Atbara And Setit Dam Complex, Gadarif State, Sudan
This study was undertaken to assess the length-weight relationship and condition factor of Labeo niloticus; Synodontis schall and Auchenoglanis occidentalis, in Upper Atbara and Setit Dam Complex, Gadarif State, Sudan from September 2019 to January 2020. Samples of fish were collected monthly for a 5 months period. A total of 1475 specimens of L. niloticus (500... Continue here

Income Inequality And Producers Share Among Fish Farming Households In Kaduna Metropolis, Kaduna State, Nigeria
The study examined inequality and farmers share among fish farmers in Kaduna metropolis. Multistage sampling procedure was employed to select fish producers and marketers. Primary data was collected with the use of questionnaire administered to eighty producers. Descriptive statistics, net farm income and measures of profitability such as return per capital... Continue here

Cost Benefit Analysis And Efficacy Of Smoking Technologies In Removing Moisture Content Of Mormyrus Caschive And Oreochromis Niloticus In Terekeka-south Sudan
Efficacy, cost and benefit of smoking fish using pit and chorkor technologies were investigated to inform decisions on economic sustainability and efficiency of the processing technologies in removing moisture content for quality assurance and extension of fish shelf-life. A total of 72 fresh fish; 36 (120 kg) Mormyrus caschive (Family: Mormyridae; common name:... Continue here

Egg Development Stages And Fecundity Of Atya Gabonensis (giebel, 1875) (crustacea: Atyidae) From Three Different Locations In Nigeria
Comparative studies of fecundity and stages of egg development of Atya gabonensis in River Benue at Makurdi, River Niger, Jebba and the confluence of the two rivers at Ganaja was done from January 2016 to December 2017. A total of 300 berried females were collected with the aid of fishermen and transported in ice box to the laboratory for further studies. Species... Continue here

Parasitic Incidence In Cultured And Wild Nile Tilapia (oreochromis Niloticus) In Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria
Parasitic incidence in cultured and wild Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria was investigated by standard parasitological techniques using 305 samples comprising 146 and 159 Oreochromis niloticus randomly purchased from the cultured (Ponds) and wild (Lower River Benue) environments, respectively. Nine (9) parasite species... Continue here

Effect Of Varying Proportions Of The Daily Feed Rations On The Performance Of Juveniles Of Clarias Gariepinus (burchell, 1882)
African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1882) constitutes a bulk of farmed freshwater fish, particularly in Africa. Its optimal production relies on an optimal feeding regime as feed covers about 50% of operation cost. Studies on feeding regimes have mostly been on feeding frequency and the daily required rations. This study was therefore designed... Continue here

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