Integrity Research Journals

ISSN: 2782-750X
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/GJFS
Start Year: 2018

Effect of formulated feed (containing common bean and leftover flour) on growth performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) in earthen ponds at Nono district, Ethiopia   |   Article Number: C7625FA92   |   Vol.1 (3) - December 2019

Received Date: 05 October 2019   |   Accepted Date: 30 December 2019  |   Published Date: 30 December 2019

Authors:  Mekonnen Melesse Diriba* , Mathewos Temesgen and L. Prabadevi

Keywords: Nile tilapia, aquaculture, Ethiopia, formulated feed, Nono district.

Fish feed plays a critical role in aquaculture; it influences production costs, fish growth, health and fish production. One of the approaches to tackle this problem has been to experimentally test the use of agro-industrial byproducts to grow fish in ponds. Thirty (30) fingerlings of Nile tilapia were stocked in each pond and fed with five percent of their body weight twice a day. Fish growth was measured using measuring board and sensitive balance and recorded fortnightly. Feed 1 performed better body weight gain (BWG) and Feed 3 produced the lowest BWG. The formulated Feed 1 which formulated from 50% of leftover flours from local grain mill machine and 50% of common bean indicated also a better profit index than others. In addition, Feed 1 showed the highest mean PR 88.59, which indicates the yield that it can produce in the given area and showed statistically significant (ANOVA (F = 2.39), P = 0.02). It is ascertained that the formulated Feed 1 can be recommended for farming Nile tilapia in the study area.

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