Integrity Research Journals

ISSN: 2636-5995
Model: Open Access/Peer Reviewed
DOI: 10.31248/IJET
Start Year: 2016

Employee benefits and discipline in private universities in Uganda   |   Article Number: 791FE9462   |   Vol.1 (2) - June 2017

Received Date: 09 April 2017   |   Accepted Date: 01 June 2017  |   Published Date: 30 June 2017

Authors:  Emurugat Immaculate Azabo* , Yakubu Ibrahim Wunti and Sofia Sol Gaite

Keywords: reliability, validity, Chartered and accredited, self-administered questionnaire, descriptive analysis

Organizations are operating in a highly competitive environment and to remain relevant they have to be able to respond quickly to ever changing customer demands. Employee benefits is one of the ways used by organizations for attracting and retaining suitable employees as well as facilitating them to improve their performance and thus ensure quality service. This study endeavours to analyze the relationship between employee benefits and discipline in private universities in Uganda. It involved 385 respondents from seven private chartered and accredited universities. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire whose validity and reliability was confirmed through Factor Analysis and Cronbach Alpha Test. Descriptive analysis involved the use of means (averages), while Pearson Linear Correlation Coefficient was used to test the hypothesis. The results revealed that employee benefit was a positive significant determinant of discipline of employees. In conclusion employee benefit was an important element in that it influenced the discipline of employees in private universities. It was recommended that managers of organizations such as private universities should put emphasis on employee benefit which will influence the discipline of their employees and thus their retention.

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